2024 Study

Focused results of prophylaxis regimens for macular edema and glaucoma-related events. See table below for complete results published in Ophthalmology.

Injecting 4 mg (0.4 mL) of Kenalog 10 mg/mL under the conjunctiva 6-8 mm inferior to the inferior limbus at the conclusion of routine phacoemulsification is associated with statistically lower odds of postop macular edema and slightly lower odds of a glaucoma-related event compared to topical prednisolone with or without NSAID in this study that has been submitted for publication in early 2024.

The same 4 mg dose with the higher concentration Kenalog (40 mg/mL) was associated with lower odds of postop macular edema but double the odds of a postop glaucoma-related event than TA 10 mg/ml or topicals.

OR-odds ratio; CI-95% confidence interval; PA-prednisolone acetate; NSAID-nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (ketorolac, diclofenac); TA-triamcinolone acetonide (Kenalog®); glaucoma-related events include IOP ≥ 30 mmHg, IOP ≥ 10 mmHg over preop baseline, addition of ocular anti-hypertensive, new diagnosis of glaucoma, OHT or suspect, or glaucoma laser or surgery within 1 year following cataract surgery